live variables - определение. Что такое live variables
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Что (кто) такое live variables - определение

Irregular variables
Найдено результатов: 2971
free variable         
  • Tree summarizing the syntax of the expression <math>\forall x\, ((\exists y\, A(x)) \vee B(z)) </math>
Free variable; Bound variable; Variable binding operation; Variable-binding operation; Free variables; Bound variables; Unbound variable; Unbound variables; Variable-binding operator; Variable binding operator; Free and bound variables; Bound variable clash; Free and bound variable; Placeholder (computer programming); Free variables & bound variables; Free occurrence; Placeholder variable; Apparent variable
1. A variable referred to in a function, which is not an argument of the function. In lambda-calculus, x is a {bound variable} in the term M = x . T, and a free variable of T. We say x is bound in M and free in T. If T contains a subterm x . U then x is rebound in this term. This nested, inner binding of x is said to "shadow" the outer binding. Occurrences of x in U are free occurrences of the new x. Variables bound at the top level of a program are technically free variables within the terms to which they are bound but are often treated specially because they can be compiled as fixed addresses. Similarly, an identifier bound to a recursive function is also technically a free variable within its own body but is treated specially. A closed term is one containing no free variables. See also closure, lambda lifting, scope. 2. In logic, a variable which is not quantified (see quantifier).
Live!; LIVE; Live (disambiguation); LIVE!; Lived; Live EP; Live! (disambiguation); Live (video); LIVE (disambiguation); Live (film); Live (song); Live (DVD); Live (TV series)
/layv/ adv.
to come live (this telecast is coming to you live from Wimbledon)
/liv/ v.
1) to live dangerously; high
2) (d; intr.) to live by ('to adhere to') (to live by certain principles)
3) (d; intr.) ('to exist') to live for (they live only for their children)
4) (d; intr.) ('to subsist') to live off, on (they live on her salary; you cannot live on love alone; to live off one's parents)
5) (D; intr.) ('to survive') to live to (she lived to ninety)
6) (d; intr.) ('to cohabit') to live with (they live with each other) 7 (colloq.) (d; intr.) to live with ('to tolerate') (can you live with this arrangement?)
8) (E) she lived to regret her decision; he lived to be ninety
9) (P; intr.) ('to reside') to live in the country
10) (misc.) they live beyond their means ('they spend more than they earn'); to live from hand to mouth ('to eke out a bare living'); to live from day to day ('to be concerned only with the present'); to live together ('to cohabit')
Live!; LIVE; Live (disambiguation); LIVE!; Lived; Live EP; Live! (disambiguation); Live (video); LIVE (disambiguation); Live (film); Live (song); Live (DVD); Live (TV series)
LInux VErband (Reference: Linux, org.)
Live!; LIVE; Live (disambiguation); LIVE!; Lived; Live EP; Live! (disambiguation); Live (video); LIVE (disambiguation); Live (film); Live (song); Live (DVD); Live (TV series)
I. v. n.
Exist, have being, have life, be alive, be animated.
Remain, continue, endure, be permanent, last, survive.
Dwell, abide, reside.
Feed, subsist, be nourished, be supported (with on).
Subsist, acquire a livelihood (with on or by).
Enjoy life, be happy.
Behave, conduct one's self.
II. v. a.
Lead, pass, continue.
Practise, put in practice.
III. a.
Living, alive, animate, quick.
Ignited, burning, hot.
Vivid, bright, lively, glowing, brilliant.
Earnest, active, wide-awake, glowing, animated.
Live!; LIVE; Live (disambiguation); LIVE!; Lived; Live EP; Live! (disambiguation); Live (video); LIVE (disambiguation); Live (film); Live (song); Live (DVD); Live (TV series)
(lives, living, lived)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
Please look at category 8 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.
If someone lives in a particular place or with a particular person, their home is in that place or with that person.
She has lived here for 10 years...
She always said I ought to live alone...
Where do you live?...
He still lives with his parents.
VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep, V adv/prep, V adv/prep
If you say that someone lives in particular circumstances or that they live a particular kind of life, you mean that they are in those circumstances or that they have that kind of life.
We lived quite grandly...
Compared to people living only a few generations ago, we have greater opportunities to have a good time...
We can start living a normal life again now.
VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep, V n
If you say that someone lives for a particular thing, you mean that it is the most important thing in their life.
He lived for his work.
VERB: V for n
To live means to be alive. If someone lives to a particular age, they stay alive until they are that age.
He's got a terrible disease and will not live long...
He lived to be 103...
Matilda was born in northern Italy in 1046 and apparently lived to a ripe old age...
The blue whale is the largest living thing on the planet...
VERB: V adv, V to-inf, V to n, V-ing
If people live by doing a particular activity, they get the money, food, or clothing they need by doing that activity.
...the last indigenous people to live by hunting...
These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime.
VERB: no cont, V by -ing/n, V by -ing/n
If you live by a particular rule, belief, or ideal, you behave in the way in which it says you should behave.
They live by the principle that we are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we want from it.
VERB: V by n
see also living
to live hand to mouth: see hand
to live beyond your means: see means
to live in sin: see sin
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
Live animals or plants are alive, rather than being dead or artificial.
...a protest against the company's tests on live animals.
...baskets of live chickens.
? dead
A live television or radio programme is one in which an event or performance is broadcast at exactly the same time as it happens, rather than being recorded first.
Murray was a guest on a live radio show.
...we were laughing and gossiping, oblivious to the fact that we were on live TV...
A broadcast of the speech was heard in San Francisco, but it is not known if this was live.
Live is also an adverb.
It was broadcast live in 50 countries...
We'll be going live to Nottingham later in this bulletin.
ADV: ADV after v
A live performance is given in front of an audience, rather than being recorded and then broadcast or shown in a film.
The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981...
A live audience will pose the questions...
The band was forced to cancel a string of live dates.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
Live is also an adverb.
Kat Bjelland has been playing live with her new band.
ADV: ADV after v
A live recording is a recording of a band playing at a concert, rather than in a studio.
This is my favourite live album of all time...
ADJ: usu ADJ n
A live wire or piece of electrical equipment is directly connected to a source of electricity.
The plug broke, exposing live wires...
He warned others about the live electric cables as they climbed to safety.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
Live bullets are made of metal, rather than rubber or plastic, and are intended to kill people rather than injure them.
They trained in the jungle using live ammunition.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
A live bomb or missile is one which has not yet exploded.
A live bomb had earlier been defused.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
  • CD-ROM of the LGX Yggdrasil Linux distribution release "Fall 1993"
  • Installation from Ubuntu 16.04 live DVD
  • Virtual [[OpenBSD]] machine configuration in [[VirtualBox]] with live image file (''6.3-Release-i386-bootonly.iso'')
Live!; LIVE; Live (disambiguation); LIVE!; Lived; Live EP; Live! (disambiguation); Live (video); LIVE (disambiguation); Live (film); Live (song); Live (DVD); Live (TV series)
·Impf & ·p.p. of Live.
II. Lived ·adj Having life;
- used only in composition; as, long-lived; short-lived.
Live!; LIVE; Live (disambiguation); LIVE!; Lived; Live EP; Live! (disambiguation); Live (video); LIVE (disambiguation); Live (film); Live (song); Live (DVD); Live (TV series)
·adj Vivid; bright.
II. Live ·noun Life.
III. Live ·adj Having life; alive; living; not dead.
IV. Live ·adj Imparting power; having motion; as, the live spindle of a lathe.
V. Live ·vi To enjoy or make the most of life; to be in a state of happiness.
VI. Live ·vt To act habitually in conformity with; to Practice.
VII. Live ·adj Full of earnestness; active; wide awake; glowing; as, a live man, or orator.
VIII. Live ·adj Being in a state of ignition; burning; having active properties; as, a live coal; live embers.
IX. Live ·vi To have a spiritual existence; to be quickened, nourished, and actuated by divine influence or faith.
X. Live ·vi To outlast danger; to Float;
- said of a ship, boat, ·etc.; as, no ship could live in such a storm.
XI. Live ·vi To be maintained in life; to acquire a livelihood; to Subsist;
- with on or by; as, to live on spoils.
XII. Live ·vi To make one's abiding place or home; to Abide; to Dwell; to Reside.
XIII. Live ·vi To Feed; to Subsist; to be nourished or supported;
- with on; as, horses live on grass and grain.
XIV. Live ·vi To pass one's time; to pass life or time in a certain manner, as to habits, conduct, or circumstances; as, to live in ease or affluence; to live happily or usefully.
XV. Live ·vt To spend, as one's life; to Pass; to Maintain; to continue in, constantly or habitually; as, to live an idle or a useful life.
XVI. Live ·vi To be or continue in existence; to Exist; to Remain; to be permanent; to Last;
- said of inanimate objects, ideas, ·etc.
XVII. Live ·vi To be alive; to have life; to have, as an animal or a plant, the capacity of assimilating matter as food, and to be dependent on such assimilation for a continuance of existence; as, animals and plants that live to a great age are long in reaching maturity.
Live!; LIVE; Live (disambiguation); LIVE!; Lived; Live EP; Live! (disambiguation); Live (video); LIVE (disambiguation); Live (film); Live (song); Live (DVD); Live (TV series)
live1 [l?v]
¦ verb
1. remain alive.
be alive at a specified time.
spend one's life in a particular way.
supply oneself with the means of subsistence.
2. make one's home in a place or with a person.
3. be remembered: her name lived on.
live and breathe something be devoted to a subject or activity.
live in the past have outdated ideas and attitudes.
live it up informal lead a life of extravagance and exciting social activity.
live rough live outdoors as a result of being homeless.
live with oneself be able to retain one's self-respect as a consequence of one's actions.
long live someone or something! said to express loyalty or support for someone or something.
where one lives N. Amer. informal at, to, or in the right or most vulnerable spot.
Phrasal verbs
live something down [usu. with negative] succeed in making others forget something embarrassing.
live for regard as the most important aspect of one's life.
live in (or out) (of an employee or student) reside at (or away from) the place where one works or studies.
live off (or on) depend on as a source of income or support.
?have (an amount of money) with which to buy food and other necessities.
live something out
1. do in reality that which one has imagined.
2. spend the rest of one's life in a particular place or situation.
live through survive (an unpleasant situation).
live together (of a couple not married to each other) share a home and have a sexual relationship.
live up to fulfil.
live with
1. share a home and have a sexual relationship with (someone to whom one is not married).
2. accept or tolerate (something unpleasant).
OE libban, lifian, of Gmc origin; related to life and leave1.
live2 [l??v]
¦ adjective
1. not dead or inanimate; living.
(of yogurt) containing the living microorganisms by which it is formed.
2. (of a musical performance) given in concert.
(of a broadcast) transmitted at the time of occurrence.
3. (of a wire or device) connected to a source of electric current.
relating to or using explosive that is able to be detonated.
(of coals) burning.
(of a wheel or axle in machinery) moving or imparting motion.
4. of current or continuing interest and importance.
¦ adverb as or at an actual event or performance.
go live Computing (of a system) become operational.
C16: shortening of alive.
bound variable         
  • Tree summarizing the syntax of the expression <math>\forall x\, ((\exists y\, A(x)) \vee B(z)) </math>
Free variable; Bound variable; Variable binding operation; Variable-binding operation; Free variables; Bound variables; Unbound variable; Unbound variables; Variable-binding operator; Variable binding operator; Free and bound variables; Bound variable clash; Free and bound variable; Placeholder (computer programming); Free variables & bound variables; Free occurrence; Placeholder variable; Apparent variable
1. A bound variable or formal argument in a function definition is replaced by the actual argument when the function is applied. In the lambda abstraction x . M x is the bound variable. However, x is a free variable of the term M when M is considered on its own. M is the scope of the binding of x. 2. In logic a bound variable is a quantified variable. See quantifier.
Live (Klaus Schulze album)         
…Live…; ...Live; ...Live....; ...Live..; ...Live...
Live… is the twelfth album by Klaus Schulze. It was originally released in 1980, and in 2007 was the twenty-sixth Schulze album reissued by Revisited Records.


Irregular variable

An irregular variable is a type of variable star in which variations in brightness show no regular periodicity. There are two main sub-types of irregular variable: eruptive and pulsating.

Eruptive irregular variables are divided into three categories:

  • Group I variables are split into subgroups IA (spectral types O to A) and IB (spectral types F through M).
  • Orion variables, GCVS type IN (irregular and nebulous), indigenous to star-forming regions, may vary by several magnitudes with rapid changes of up to 1 magnitude in 1 to 10 days, are similarly divided by spectral type into subgroups INA and INB, but with the addition of another subgroup, INT, for T Tauri stars, or INT(YY) for YY Orionis stars.
  • The third category of eruptive irregulars are the IS stars, which show rapid variations of 0.5 to 1 magnitude in a few hours or days; again, these come in subgroups ISA and ISB.

Pulsating irregular giants or supergiants, called slow irregular variables, are all of late spectral types (K, M, C, or S), and classed as type L-LB for giants and LC for supergiants. How many of these are actually semi-regular variables that simply need more study, remains unclear.